“Wet plate photography is an extraordinary combination of pure science, pure witchcraft, and wishful thinking.”
Ansel Adams- 1948
The Johnson House- Georgetown TX
"Kitchen Things"
Oak on the hill
The Mailbag
Palmetto State Park-Texas
A Texas Place-
Louis Miller's Tractor Shop
Fort Tumbleweed-Liberty Hill Texas
Palmetto State Park-Texas
El Gatillo
"Nature always wins"
The Shop Wall
Total Eclipse 2024-Start to Finish- 4 minute exposure
The Granger Gin- Dry Plate Collodion
Texas Limb-o
1853 Gault homestead- Austin Texas
A Poling Place
Looking up from the feet of giants
Presidio La Bahia (Goliad Tx)
Puncher gear
Morning Glory
Happy Place Generator
Blackland farming in Texas
Leather & Feathers
Many years of loving you.
All the rancher's daughter's loved their baths.
The new occupant, watching from the window. Taylor Texas
19th century Military hospital bed - Ft. Clark
The Drive-in movie
Air mail
Civil War- Minie balls & Dominos
Items from my youth, out for a ride
Cornfield near Gonzales Texas. Site of the "Come and Take It" battle.
Dad's branding iron
Gonzales Texas
Great-granddad's fiddle.
I'll hug you forever
"Jacks" A pre-electronic entertainment device
Presidio La Bahia, Goliad Texas
Lone Wolf bridge. San Angelo Texas
The Mims barn
Old flames
Sam Houston Oak and Braches House near Gonzales Texas
Plum Creek battle site, near Lockhart Texas
String is in the Air
Josiah Wibarger oak
The big freeze- Georgetown Texas Feb. 2021
Great-granny's thimble
The 1836 campsite location of the Army of Texas at San Jacinto (A colorized image from a modern wet collodion tintype.)
Used flight equipment